Show tickets in Barcelona, thursday 6 march 2025
Alan Walker - Walker World Tour
Thu 6 Mar 2025, 20:30 - Razzmatazz, Barcelona
From Thursday 20 February to Sunday 9 March 2025:
Mata'm psicosi
Espai Brossa, Barcelona
Sala Beckett, Barcelona
From Friday 7 February to Sunday 9 March 2025:
From Tuesday 4 February to Sunday 9 March 2025:
Les Bàrbares
Teatro Borràs, Barcelona
From Thursday 9 January to Thursday 13 March 2025:
Thorny Thursday - Open Mic Comedy
Secret Comedy Club, Barcelona
comedians something to live for) or show up on the night, as there may still be tickets available at the... watch the show!
W hen you arrive at the venue you will be met at the door. Show them your tickets... Thorny Thursday offers a welcoming stage for comedians of all levels, who will use you as their... come? Well, until we win the right to a 4-day work week, make Thursdays your new Fridays and stick it
From Wednesday 5 March to Sunday 16 March 2025:
Teatre Tantarantana, Barcelona
From Thursday 27 February to Sunday 16 March 2025:
El gran teatro del mundo
Teatre Romea, Barcelona
From Friday 21 February to Sunday 16 March 2025:
From Sunday 16 February to Sunday 16 March 2025:
Love love love
Teatre Villarroel, Barcelona
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